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Recent Land Use Law Articles

10Jan, 2013

Referendum Not Permitted in Baltimore City

By |Thursday, January 10th, 2013|Categories: Land Use Law|

A “referendum” broadly speaking is the reservation by the people of the State, or local subdivision, of the right to have submitted for their approval or rejection, under certain prescribed conditions, a law or part of a law passed by the law making body. More ...

10Jun, 2007

2008 Comes Early for Baltimore County Rezoning Process

By |Sunday, June 10th, 2007|Categories: Land Use Law|

Months before the ball drops at Times Square heralding the arrival of 2008, the year 2008 comprehensive zoning map process begins in Baltimore County. The year 2008 comprehensive rezoning actually commences September 4, 2007. All landowners - whether needing a zoning change for proposed new ...

10Aug, 2003

A Brief History of Zoning in Maryland

By |Sunday, August 10th, 2003|Categories: Land Use Law|

Zoning is a relatively new invention in Maryland. Zoning did not exist when the province of Maryland was first granted in 1634 and it was not until nearly 300 years later that the courts first upheld the enactment of a zoning ordinance in Baltimore City. ...

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